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Where the resources come from ?
All the graphic resources are exclusives and realized by krakograff. I uploaded some of them many years ago in differents graphic resources websites before i opened this website. Now you will find all of them and many new resources to download in one place, here, at
You are free to:
Remix, modify, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
Under the following terms:
You must give appropriate credit to
- Resell, sublicense or redistribute any graphic resources on on its own even for free is prohibited. If you wish to promote my resources on your site, make sure to link back to the items pages or contact me using the contact form on the website.
Commercial License and full rights:
If you want to use any graphic resources on and don't want to give credit and have full rights, then you need to purchase a commercial license.
Each set contain a certain amount of brushes depending of the themes. PNG files is also included.
Exemple: "Chinese Seal Stamps" is a set.
- Price per set: € 5.00
- Bulk price: If you want to purchase 5 sets or more, the price per set will be € 4.00
Exemple: If you buy 6 sets the price will be € 24.00 instead of € 30.00
- Price per single image: € 1.00
- Bulk price: If you want to purchase 10 images or more, the price per image will be € 0.50.
Exemple: If you buy 10 images, you will pay € 5.00 instead of € 10.00
The price for Light Effect Filters :
150 Light Effects Pack: € 7.00
- Price per single image: € 0,50
- Bulk price: If you want to purchase 10 images or more, the price per image will be € 0.20.
Exemple: If you buy 10 images, you will pay € 2.00 instead of € 5.00
Stock Photos:
'Free Stock Photos' page here
- Price for single image: € 1.00
- Bulk price: If you want to purchase 10 images or more, the price per image will be € 0.50
Exemple: If you buy 10 images, you will pay € 5.00 instead of € 10.00
Fonts: € 35.00 per font
For more informations send me a message using the contact form.
Payment methods available: Paypal, Skrill or Bank Transfer.
Once your payment is validated, you will receive by email an invoice for the products purchased.