You can use these artistic backgrounds for personal and commercial projects (more informations in License page). Also, you must link back if you use them. Most importantly, please refrain from making them available for download outside of this site. If you want other people to know about my freebies, please refer them to this page. Thank you.

These textures are carefully selected and designed to capture the essence of ancient cultures and showcase their unique characteristics. Each texture is available in high-resolution JPEG format, making it easy for artists to incorporate them into their digital projects.
It is inspired by antique materials wich included marble, stone, fresco, cracked concrete and other materials commonly used in ancient times.
This stock allows digital artists to experiment with different styles and techniques so they can find a texture in this collection that fits their needs.
It can be used as backgrounds for digital artwork, to add texture to 3D models, concept art and sketch or to create unique designs and illustrations. The possibilities are endless, and artists are only limited by their imagination.
"150 Antique Textures" is a must-have for any digital artist looking to add an antique and historical touch to their work.