You can use these stock textures for personal and commercial projects (more informations in License page). Also, you must link back if you use them. Most importantly, please refrain from making them available for download outside of this site. If you want other people to know about my freebies, please refer them to this page. Thank you.

French bulldog photo from
Ink Abstract Backgroundz is a collection of 50 high-quality, unique textures that can be used in a wide range of design projects. They are perfect for adding a touch of creativity and personality to your designs.
You can use them for creating posters, banners and various digital arts. These abstract textures bring a modern and traditional graphic touch imitating Chinese ink. Discover many effects using as an exemple "Blend If" and "Blend Modes" in Photoshop or in your favorite software. This collection is sure to be a valuable addition to your design toolkit. And the fact that it's available for free download makes it an affordable option for designers on a budget.
Here are some artworks i made using these ink backgrounds