You can use these artistic backgrounds for personal and commercial projects (more informations in License page). Also, you must link back if you use them. Most importantly, please refrain from making them available for download outside of this site. If you want other people to know about my freebies, please refer them to this page. Thank you.

80 Abstract Neon Lights is perfect for those who are looking to create eye-catching and attention-grabbing graphics. This pack of high-res. JPG images featuring a stunning collection of vivid, glowing neon effects and nebula overlays. From vibrant pinks and blues to edgy gradients and abstract shapes, allowing you to experiment and create stunning visuals that truly stand out. Whether you're designing a poster, social media graphics, commercial ads as an exemple, these abstract lights are perfect for adding a bold and futuristic look to your artwork. Download now and let your art shine !