You can use these artistic backgrounds for personal and commercial projects (more informations in License page). Also, you must link back if you use them. Most importantly, please refrain from making them available for download outside of this site. If you want other people to know about my freebies, please refer them to this page. Thank you.
A black and white mask overlay is a graphic design element that can be superimposed onto images or other visual content to create a unique visual effect. The black and white mask overlay typically consists of two separate layers: a white layer and a black layer.
By combining the two layers, designers can create interesting visual effects, such as creating a high-contrast look, emphasizing certain elements of an image, or creating a unique blend of colors.
Mask overlays can be used in a variety of ways, such as:
- Adding texture and depth to an image
- Creating a high-contrast look by combining the black and white layers
- Emphasizing certain elements of an image by masking out areas with the black layer
- Creating a unique color scheme by using the overlay to blend colors in different ways
- Adding visual interest to social media graphics, blog posts, or other types of digital content.
Overall, black and white mask overlays are a versatile graphic design resource that can add a unique touch to a wide variety of visual content.
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