paper canva texture: here
Here it is, just made the ABR brushes version of the watercolors and inks masked textures that you can find in my website. Use it for making some painting effects for your artworks.
Watercolors, Inks, Splatters and Brush Stroke inside this set of 33 hi-resolution ABR brushes for Photoshop.
- A set of exclusive and home made 33 brushes
- Brush size (2448 px to 4032 px)
- ABR files and PNG
- Ready to use on your mobile favourite apps and desktop softwares.
- You can import ABR brushes to Procreate and Krita (to see how you import ABR brushes in Krita click here and for Procreate here )
- Check also the VOL.2 - VOL.3 - VOL.4
Add comment
Thank you kraakograff i love this brushs
Thank you Shafiq for your comment and support.
Thank you esperenza for your comment and support.
Super super:))) merci beaucoup je kiff trop ces brushes
Merci Karen pour votre commentaire. A bientôt sur krakograff.com pour de nouvelles brushes.